
In Iberia and Beyond: Hispanic Jews between Two Cultures

Bernard Dov Cooperman, ed. Newark: University of Delaware Press; London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1998. 390 pages, index.

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The theme of this collection of essays is the history of Spanish Jewry, culminating with the expulsion of 1492. Scholars address issues of cultural integration as well as the conflicts among Jewish, Muslim, and Christian societies on the Iberian peninsula. The space between polarities of integration and exile, and mutual influence and polemical rivalry, is explored.


  • Bernard Dov Carpenter, "Introduction"
  • Dwayne E. Carpenter, "The Portrayal of the Jew in Alfonso the Learned's Cantigas de Santa Maria"
  • Bernard Septimus, "Hispano-Jewish Views of the Christendom and Islam"
  • Mark D. Meyerson, "The Economic Life of the Jews of Murviedro in the Fifteenth Century"
  • Benjamin R. Gampel, "Does Medieval Navarrese Jewry Salvage our Notion of Convivencia?"
  • Isaac Benabu, "Poetry in Two Languages: The Kharja and its Muwassah"
  • Eleazar Gutwirth, "Widows, Artisans, and the Issues of Life: Hispano-Jewish Bourgeois Ideology"
  • Daniel J. Lasker, "The Impact of Christianity on Late Iberian Jewish Philosophy"
  • Hava Tirosh-Rothschild, "Human Felicity: Fifteenth-Century Sephardic Perspectives on Happiness"
  • Linda Martz, "Implementation of Pure-Blood Statutes in Sixteenth-Century Toledo"
  • Renée Levine Melammed, "Judaizers and Prayer in Sixteenth-Century Alcázar"
  • Bernard Dov Cooperman, "Portuguese Conversos in Ancona: Jewish Political Activity in Early Modern Italy"
  • Henry Méchoulan, "The Importance of Hispanicity in Jewish Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam"