These week-long summer programs feature lecture/discussion sessions, hands-on performance classes, and collaborative lesson-planning workshops, all led by advanced scholars and artists in a variety of fields. Participating teachers watch performances, research in the University of Maryland libraries, learn new technology skills, and join field trips to museums in Baltimore, MD, and Washington, DC. To cap the program, participants develop interdisciplinary lesson plans and return to the University of Maryland for follow-up sessions in the fall and spring to present their work to their colleagues.

  • Upon completion of program requirements in the spring, teachers earn 4 MSDE Continuing Professional Development Credits or, with fees, 3 University of Maryland graduate credits.
  • Teachers of all grade levels and disciplines welcome!

Click on a link below to learn more about previous Crossing Borders/Breaking Boundaries Institutes:

The Arts of Tibet:
Cultural Exchange in the Himalayas

July 8 – 14, 2010



2009: Pre- and Post-Encounter Arts of the Early Americas

2008: The Arts of India, 1556 - 1658
2007: The Portuguese Empire in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Artistic and Cultural Exchange
2006 2006: The Arts & Artistic Legacies of the West African Civilizations
2005 2005: Looking East, Looking West: Europe & Arabia 1450-1750
2004 2004: The Impact of Islamic Culture on the Arts of the Renaissance
2003 2003: The Arts of the Renaissance
2002 2002: The Arts of Ancient Greece
2000 2000: Africa & its Influence: Jazz and America, Considering the Postmodern